It is essential to make the right decision when taking your first steps towards your classical career. Finding the right course will provide the foundations needed for growth throughout training to become the best dancer possible.
The School offers training in three programmes, each geared towards dancers at different stages of their vocational development.
These range from part-time classes with our Associate Programme, to full-time training at the School.
Our full-time courses include a Foundation Year and a BA (Hons) in Ballet Performance, both validated by the University of West London, in partnership with the London College of Music, in association with Ballet Theatre UK.

"It was a terrific experience that I thoroughly enjoyed and I am thankful to the School to this day for giving me the opportunity"
- 2018 Graduate Student, Austin Bladon (Romeo and Juliet, Young Dancers, Matthew Bourne New Adventures)

Foundation Year
Our Foundation Year is a one-year intensive programme validated by the University of West London at level 3.
The course is designed to provide full-time training for students looking to dance professionally who may not be ready for the technical or academic demands of training at BA (Hons) level.
Students who successfully complete the Foundation Year will progress onto the BA (Hons) course...

Our BA (Hons) in Ballet Performance is a three-year course devised by Artistic Director, Christopher Moore, in partnership with the University of West London.
The level 6 course is a practical dance degree with a strong focus on classical training and performance.
Students will gain professional dance experience as part of their qualification by dancing with Ballet Theatre UK in a professional national tour...

Our Men's Ballet Course works in conjunction with our BA (Hons) Ballet Performance degree which focuses on the requirements of male dancers to ensure they develop and achieve within the classical industry.
The course has its own specific timetable with additional tailored classes to develop strong versatile dancers led by a male faculty of experienced and industry renowned dancers and teachers...

Alongside the full time courses, as a School, we also offer additional enrichment activities to complement their training. These include open classes with guest master teachers, additional exam classes as well as additional evening classes across all genres. These classes and experiences will be in addition to the tuition fee and the fee is reviewed annually to reflect to year
After school classes are extra training at an advanced level for students from the full time school wanting to further their training in all genres. Auditions are held throughout the year for students to be selected for these classes. These classes are provided by the School as part of its scholarship support scheme and are of no additional cost to the students on the programme.
Students of the full time school can also partake in exam classes include RAD (Royal Academy of Dance) Classes for students wanting to obtain Advanced 1, Advanced 2 or Solo Seal. Exam classes take place outside of the school timetable and are an additional cost to the course fees.
In addition, the School provides a Student Enrichment Programme which has been developed to enhance the course. As part of this, we offer trips to theatres across the year, workshops and masterclasses by industry professionals and seminars from healthcare professionals on student health and wellbeing. Student enrichment has an extra one-off fee at the start of the academic year to cover all costs.